
R Packages

sprtt: Sequential Probability Ratio Test Toolkit

An R package for sequential hypothesis testing using Wald's (1947) SPRT


Bayes factors for ordinal Items

A Shinyapp for the calculation of Bayes factors for comparisons of two Likert-item distributions

Curtailed RRT made easy

A Shinyapp for sequential (curtailed) hypothesis testing using randomized response models

Easy application of Waldian t tests

A Shinyapp for Waldian t tests: Sequential Baysian t tests with controlled error probabilities

R Scripts

Sequential t tests

R Scripts and detailed instructions for sequential probability ratio t tests

Curtailed RRT

R scripts and detailed instructions for sequential (curtailed) hypothesis testing using randomized response models

The software provided on this website may be used for non-commercial purposes free of charge.  Although considerable effort was put into developing and testing the software, there is no warranty whatsoever. I am grateful for comments, questions, or suggestions. Don’t hesitate to contact me.

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