
Modeling of Cognitive Processes

Cognitive psychology deals with the psychological processes that underlie observable behavior. We can formalize and test assumptions about these latent processes by means of mathematical models. I work with cognitive models like multinomial processing tree models, drift-diffusion models and computational memory models to approach substantive research questions. extLink

Individual Differences in Cognition

Most psychological theories and phenomena apply to the typical individual: How do people behave or experience something on average? I am interested in the psychometric properties of experimental designs and how individuals differ: If there is an effect, does it apply to each individual? If not, do people only differ in the size of the effect or even in the direction? In other words, are individual differences quantitative or qualitative? And what drives these differences? extLink

Hypothesis Testing & Model Comparison  

Testing hypotheses – predictions derived from theories – is an essential part of the scientific process. In my research, I try to develop and implement statistical methods and make them available for psychologists. The aim is to make psychological research more efficient and more reliable. Among other things, I focus on sequential hypothesis tests and Bayesian methods of estimation and model comparison (i.e., Bayes factors). extLink


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